Below you can choose from a selection of articles about life as sensory beings.
- Why you should get the ringing in your ears checked?Have you ever had a ringing tone in your head? Tinnitus is often described as loud or screaming ringing in the ears, which is worsened when the surrounding environment becomes silent. In other words, it deprives you of…
- Why «Dark Sky» is The New Black in TourismImagine hordes of citizens suddenly calling the city counsil of Los Angeles during an earthquake-caused power outing, as they worry from seeing strange, unfamiliar phenomenons they’ve never seen on their night sky before: The STARS of the Milky…
- How the gradual loss of senses can be an early Alzheimer predictorAlzheimer’s Disease is a predatorial mind monster Alzheimer’s disease is in many way a mercyless and brutal disease for all involved, as dementia incrementally robs a person of their cognitive abilities. Its cost on relationships and the emotional…
- Fake News: How Digital Sensory Manipulation has become a Cyber Warfare TacticWe breathe combinations of H2 and O2… and W3 World Wide Web has within two decades become vital to our functioning in western societies. Societies have been digitalized in a way that makes internet a core structure of…
- Why your brainstem is a «magic» catalyst for learning and plasticitySensory processing is important for human behaviour and learning New research suggests a larger than generally acknowledged connection between the function of the nuclear network area in the brainstem (Thalamus, see picture below), and neural plasticity, hence human…
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