I'm Louise Nygaard-Petersen, the host and consultant at Sensory Academy. Though originally born and raised in Denmark, Arctic nature and lifestyle has attracted me since I first set foot on Greenland for work in 2013. Since relocating to Northern Norway in 2014, I've spent more time surrounded by nature in rural remoteness, than by people in urban settings. Nature is my greatest teacher of sensory awareness, embodied cognition, and the art of senscaping.

My background

Ever since my early worklife as an occupational therapist, I've felt compelled to explore and apply multisensory awareness to my worklife and private life. Harnessing the strengths of multisensory awareness, elevates the potential for designing and creating experiences, so much more deep, meaningful, intense, satisfying, empowering... and healthy.

Multisensory competence transcends "cognition and emotion" and reaches way beyond "mindfulness". Because the world seems perpetually accelerating, and atomizing into a state of hyperexposure, my point of focus is on the life aspect concerning "sensory overload", and on how to hone the balance between our individual sensory needs and our unique sensory capacity. Like with music, this means also rekognizing the value of pauses in between stimuli. In other words, sensory regulation. I like exploring the value creation in using sensory selection and deprivation as an added effect in experience design and dramaturgy. Examples of such deprivation can be silence (auditory)... and darkness (visual).

I also recognize a need in contemporary society, to move steadfast beyond the rigid, conventional five-sensory perspective, into the truly multisensory age. So I delved into a crossdisciplinary field for my master's degree in Tourism Management.

I dedicated my thesis (icon link below) to innovative, exploratory research on the "art of senscaping" and the multisensory dimension of commercial hospitality and experience design in the experience economy. A number of unexpected, interesting discoveries revealed themselves, on how professional experience designers actually understand and harness the multisensory dimension, for (economic) value creation.

Therefore, I am passionately dedicated to the vision of introducing the "Art of Senscaping" beyond the conventional approach. I draw on interdisciplinary, science-backed, holistic knowledge, both when hosting guests on my homestead in the Arctic, and when assisting leaders and staff become the groundbreaking "Yodas of senscaping" in their own organisations.

Our environments and experience products can be customized much better to individual sensory capacity and needs, by profiling core sensory caracteristics in

  • ourselves,
  • activities we engage in, and
  • space surrounding us.

I have dedicated several years and ressources to the development and operationalisation of a very efficient, easily applicable business management tool for the strategic analysis and profiling of diverse experience products. I also teach courses in the basic principles of eight/sensory senscaping.

For an overview of my formal qualifications, kindly scroll to bottom of the page. I would rather first introduce my scientific and non-scientific points of navigation, the conceptual phramework underlining my entire approach to experience and our innate need for activity.

Human cairns of inspiration

Deep underneath, underlying my approach to work and life, are some ideas and values for me to flag. These are conveyed, sometimes through theory and casestudies, other times through philosophy, fiction, poetry, music and visual art.

People applying neuroscience for the good of humanity and societal impact, are ultimately what made me enter this multisensory universe to begin with... For their perpetual inspiration, I draw on contemporary wizzards such as

My perpective on experience creation

I also place great value and thankfullnes in the responsiveness, faith and support of people in the landscape of the contemporary Experience Economy.

In 2022, Joe kindly allowed me to join him for a two day exclusive walk&talk marathon through the streets of Stockholm. Joe continues to inspire and challenge me, through confidential conversation as well as through his and Jim Gilmore's perpetually developing conceptual ideas on economic value creation. Most importantly, he also keeps encouraging me to bang relentlessly on that seriously hardcore glass ceiling. Cigarillo-smoking or not...

People work has been my trade for my entire professional life. From teaching experience design and innovation as an associate professor at the Arctic University of Norway, to executing workshops on sensory processing and senscaping within the health sector in Mexico, Denmark, Greenland and Norway. I draw on scientific domains such as neurophysiological, psychological and behavioral dimensions of sensory processing. I have a health professional background and hold a bachelor's degree in occupational therapy since 2008, which has provided me with extensive knowledge from years of therapeutic people work and the leadership role in the public health arena. While practicing occupational therapy, I've spent decades building professional capacity on how embodiment of sensory stimuli affects the experiences, reactions, behaviour, social skills and life satisfaction of people, under different life circumstances.

Today, I decline therapeutic assignments, though still collaborating with stakeholders on the salutogenic (health oriented) dimension of value creation. My main focus today is: experience & event design, customer and patient journey assessments, digital UX:design, sensory marketing, sensory informed environments, rehabilitation and habilitation processes and longterm public health promotion strategies such as public space nudging and adaptations, city planning and architecture.

My additional skills

Collaborative, processual approach

I'm skilled in insight-oriented process facilitation, since 2008 and can draw on elements from "reflecting team", a form of narrative, peer-initiated supervision. Since 2012 I've integrated elements from “forum-theatre”, a more dramaturgic process management tool, which uses roleplay and interactive audience in changemaking as value creation. This method remains highly efficient for guiding teams into gentle, dynamic transformation through immersive experience.

I'm certified MediYoga®-instructor (since 2016), having also health professional competence on contemplative practices, and how these potentially contribute to enhancing reflective, creative, and health promoting processes in individuals and teams.


Recent projects encompass temporary teaching positions as assistant professor at the Arctic University of Norway. Subjects I guided my students through?

innovation, experience production and naturebased tourism.

In a 2022 consultancy job, I assisted the destination company Visit Lyngenfjord with the finalization of a three year long, comprehensive sustainability project (assessment of execution and final report). Check out my CV from 2021 (it's in Norwegian, though...)